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File formats

JPG or JPEG (joint photographic experts group)

A file format used for color images. The format retains a higher degree of color in relatively small files. The more compression used, the more detail and color lost.

By |October 10th, 2013||Comments Off on JPG or JPEG (joint photographic experts group)

PDF (portable document format)

A popular way of formatting documents so they can be viewed and printed as intended on multiple platforms.

By |October 10th, 2013||Comments Off on PDF (portable document format)

TIF or TIFF (tagged image file format)

A TIFF is a widely supported file format for storing images. It can handle a range from one bit to 24 bits of photographic image color.

By |October 10th, 2013||Comments Off on TIF or TIFF (tagged image file format)