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CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black)

The standard color palette used to create full color images in print media. It is often called 4-color process printing.

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Color separation

The process of separating colors in an image into different film layers. Each layer is printed separately, one on top of the other, to yield a multicolor image.

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Full-color process

The method of creating vivid photographic images from the combination of several separated colors. This is normally the same as CMYK or 4-color process, and in screen printing often requires a white base.

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The shades of gray ranging from white to black that can be used in representing an image.

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Pantone color

An industry standard method for designating and matching colors.

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RGB (red, green, blue)

This is the color system most commonly used for video display. Pixels in red, blue, and green (RGB) combine to create an image display on a television or computer, for instance.

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Spot colors

Colors in a printed image that appear in the original shade of ink. This is different from process colors, which use small dots in different colors to combine to create the visual illusion of specific colors.

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